
Student Life Office

Emergency Absence Frequently Asked Questions

When is an emergency absence appropriate?

An emergency absence is appropriate when unexpected circumstances arise that necessitate a brief absence from classes.

Students who are experiencing a non-emergency situation that necessitates their absence from class are encouraged to reach out to their faculty directly about missing class, in addition to seeking relevant support resources. 

How long may I take an emergency absence?

An emergency absence cannot extend beyond two weeks of class.

Who can approve an emergency absence? 

Students can seek approval for an emergency absence from a dean in Student Life or from the SHARE program director.

Can I extend my emergency absence status?

If an emergency absence was initially approved for less than two weeks of classes, it may be extended with approval from a dean for an absence no longer than 2 weeks total. Should a student need more time away, they may take a leave of absence, request a medical leave of absence, or pursue other academic options.

If I am not approved for an emergency absence, what should I do?

Students who need a brief period away from classes for any reason are encouraged to communicate directly with their faculty when possible, or contact the Student Life Office to request a meeting with a dean to discuss relevant resources and possible resolutions. 

Students with a documented disability, medical or mental health condition, or temporary debilitating injury or condition may be eligible for additional support and accommodations through Disability & Accessibility Resources

Are my professors notified that I am on emergency absence?

Yes. The Student Life Office sends an email to each instructor listed on the student’s current schedule, as well as to Financial Aid, the Business Office, the Registrar's Office, and Residence Life (if the student lives on-campus). This email notifies instructors and these relevant offices that the student is currently taking an emergency absence and when they will return to classes. 

What are my responsibilities regarding my classes?

An emergency absence does not exempt a student from any course work or assignments missed during an emergency absence. Students should consult with each of their professors and their academic adviser regarding what is required upon returning from an absence, and what the implications of such an absence are with regard to their courses.

Can I still attend some classes while I am on an emergency absence?

No. Because emergency absences are only approved for serious circumstances, a student on an emergency absence is expected to be absent from all classes during the length of their absence.

If I’m an international student, what do I need to know about visas, immigration documents, or other matters?

Students on a visa who plan to depart the United States during their emergency absence should first consult with the program director for International Student Services.

May I stay in on-campus housing during my emergency absence?

Yes. Students on an emergency absence may stay in their on-campus room. Students on an emergency absence are still subject to the expectations of their housing contract.

May I still access campus services while on an emergency absence?

Yes. Students on an emergency absence are still considered enrolled and retain access to campus facilities and services including the Sports Center, Health and Counseling Center, and the Library.

Am I permitted to work on-campus during my emergency absence?

A student is still eligible to continue on-campus work during an emergency absence. However, students are discouraged from increasing work hours during an emergency absence. If a student cannot continue to work during an emergency absence, the student should notify their campus work supervisor.

Additional questions?

Please contact the Student Life Office or any of the offices below if you have questions.

Contact information

Student Life Office: 503-517-7396 • student-life@reed.edu • Eliot Hall 218
Health & Counseling: 503-777-7281 • health-services@reed.edu  • Health and Counseling Center
Business Office:  503-777-7505 • business-office@reed.edu • Eliot Hall 307 & 308
Registrar’s Office: 503-777-7793 • registrar@reed.edu • Eliot Hall 311
Financial Aid: 503-777-7223 • financial-aid@reed.edu • Eliot Hall 202